Professional Development Training slides
As used with NH teachers and other locations for 4 hour professional development sessions.
The following resources are available to give you more information about the XRP project including the WPI developed curriculum and software libraries.
Introduction to Robotics
Multi-module course that teaches beginning Python and Blockly programming and basic robotics
XRP User Guide
Assembly guide for XRP kit, guide to the software tools, and use of all the motors and sensors, including examples
XRP API Reference
A reference guide to all the complete Python API (Application Programming Interface) documenting all the software library classes and functions
Discourse server
A community server where discussions happen about all things XRP
GitHub site
GitHub site with all the open source software and document repositories that are used for the XRP. Of note, it includes the XRP Python software libraries. that you will be using for programming your robot and the XRPCode Integrated Development Environment, not for the faint of heart.
Experiential Robotics web site
A web site dedicated to the use of the XRP for furthering STEM education around the world.