Adding an OLED display to an ESP32 robot kit for RBE1001
You can use the display with your robot, but the connections are a little annoying. Two wires have to be connected to communication pins that are off the breadboard. I had some wires that could easily make the connection, you could probably do the same with the PWM cable (the 3 wire cable with female connectors on each side) by cutting it in half to use both sides for the connection. Alternatively, you could solder a few wires to the ESP32 pins but that might make it hard to use with the breadboard in the future if you wanted to use that side.
ESP32 I2C wires connected to robot for use with the OLED display
It’s possible that your display module needs to have 2 jumpers (trace on the back of the board) connected together wth some solder. You should look at the back of the board and be sure it is setup for I2C operation.
These traces on the back of the display must be shorted with solder as shown. You’re display maybe slightly different, read what it says on the back of the board and make sure it’s set up for I2C operation.
The display has to be wired as follows:
Display pin - Ground on breadboard
Vin - 5V rail on breadboard
Rst - Pin 13 on ESP32
Clk - Pin 22 on ESP32
Data - Pin 21 on ESP32
Once it is wired you can try this sample program to get it working. To use it you may have to include the Adafruit SSD1306 library that you can find with the Library Manager in the Arduino environment. The sample program is pretty nice and displays some text, shapes and a graph. You can find more information on the Adafruit web site. Note that version of the display on the site has slightly different pin-outs from the display you have.
ESP32 Displaying a graph of a sin wave from the sample program linked above.